single coaching session

Hmm, a Single Coaching Session. Is this for me?

Are you feeling stuck or perhaps all over the place with your thoughts about what you have to, should do and must do when it comes to hitting your goal and turning that dream of yours into reality? Do you have no idea how to actually make it happen?

Or perhaps you’re not ready to invest long term or huge sums into coaching yet. Maybe you’ve heard about it, are curious and want to give it a try?

Then I would encourage you to book a Single Coaching Session with me to get you started or even back on track with taking action towards your goal.

Here’s what you can expect

What we’ll work on together

✔️ Getting clear on your goal and making it really specific

✔️ Uncovering what’s holding you back from taking action and moving forward aka limiting beliefs and fear

✔️ Discovering what you truly want and why you want to crush your goal

✔️ Mapping out an action plan you can follow so you stop second guessing and wasting your valuable and precious time and energy

✔️ Making your goal more manageable, less overwhelming and a heck less scary

What’s included

✔️ Questionnaire before the session to prep and get the most out of your coaching time

✔️ One 60-minute 1:1 coaching call

✔️ Follow up notes after the coaching session about what we’ve discussed

✔️ A roadmap with actionable steps you can follow after our session

✔️ Accountability – unlimited Voxer support for one week after our coaching session

Book your Single Coaching Session now!

Single Coaching Session



3 Benefits of working with me that you

can’t get winging it on your own


Sure you can go it alone. But working on your own can be lonely and slow. You’ve got no one to answer to so can procrastinate to your hearts content.

I’ll make sure to check in and follow up on the tasks you’ve said you’d do and your progress. Having someone to kick your bum when you’re procrastinating or feeling stuck is invaluable.


When you have no like minded people around you or a network of friends and family that support you, where are you going to get your brilliant ideas from? Who is there to brainstorm with you and bounce ideas of one another?

When I made investments in myself and spoke to a coach, I felt a rush of excitement and motivation again. I want to be that person for you, lighting a fire under your belly again.


Progress is slow when you’re trying to figure it all out on your own and need to be your own cheerleader. It may take weeks, months or even years longer to achieve your goal.

Having an accountability buddy you can talk to, someone who’s been in your shoes and understands what you’re going through is priceless. This will make overcoming obstacles and barriers a lot easier and a lot faster. Meaning you can find your mojo again when it “took a break”, move forward and get results.


Book a 30 minute FREE discovery call with me and let’s find out

Why is it do damn hard to take action?

You know exactly what you want. You can almost taste your dream life. You’re feeling excited about what’s out there and you have a particular goal in mind you want to hit.

But for some reason you just can’t make a start.

And you’re wondering why is that? Why am I stuck? Why can’t I move forward and just get a move on? Why can’t I take that next step?

There can be a number of reasons for that. Fear of failing. Being scared of the unknow and change. Limiting beliefs and past experiences and a lot more.

And taking that first step can be the hardest as you’re opening yourself up to everything you consciously and subconsciously feared.

However, once you take that first step, you get the ball rolling. You take another and build momentum. And before you know it, you start to walk and then run.

When you get into the habit of taking action, magic happens and you start to see progress and change. All getting you closer to where you want to be, what you want to have and ultimately living your dream life.

Let me help you develop that action plan you can follow to make a start and get you into the habit of taking action

You’ve got everything you need already. You just need that little extra support, push and guidance to get all steps into some sort of order and put your action plan together.

Why me?

Hi, I’m Anna and I’ve been on a journey to building my dream life for almost two years.

I was exactly where you are right now. I had big dreams and knew I was meant for more. But I just didn’t know how to make it happen.

I was all over the place. I started this and that, but nothing worked and I always gave up a few weeks in. I had no plan I could follow. I would wake up and thought, hmm what should I do today?

Last year though, I made the commitment to myself to really go for it, learn, invest more time in myself and what I wanted and give it my all.

And it paid off. I finally was able to purchase my flat, start this business and live a more fulfilled, happier and most importantly to me content life.

If I can do it, I know you can as well!

Yes, I’m ready to book my Single Coaching Session now!

Single Coaching Session


