The Best Tip To Manage Your Time Effectively

Image of a woman writing things down for the blog post - the best tip to manage your time effectively

The best tip you need to manage your time effectively is to write things down. Yes, it’s as simple as that. Write things down and the rest will follow.

You might think how can this help me to manage my time better? Well, let me ask you this.

  • How much time do you waste thinking about that one thing or multiple things in fact you were supposed to do for your friend, your mother or your partner that you can’t remember?
  • How often do you remember to do something when it’s too late such as sending a birthday card to your friend and then having to deal with the feeling of guilt?
  • And how often do you forget something which leads to you having to go back to get it such as going back to the supermarket again because you forgot to buy milk?

All of us have experienced these situations. What these have in common is that they are costing us our time, energy and sometimes even sanity.

When we keep everything in our head, we tend to forget things. This might not seem like a big deal at first. However, if you’re constantly feeling like you don’t have enough time, your feeling stressed and overwhelmed, this actually is a big deal.

Our brain is like a computer hard drive. When the storage is full, you can’t save more on it. And the same applies to the brain. It can only store a limited amount of information at once and when its full, its full. That’s when we start to forget things we need to do.

The solution to this is to write everything down. Literally everything that comes to mind, no matter what. No matter how big or small. No matter how near in the future or far away and no matter how important or unimportant it might seem.

When you have a list of everything you need to do, you’re able to save a lot of time. Firstly, you won’t have to waste time trying to remember what it was that you were supposed to do. Secondly, you won’t have to waste time to come up with excuses why you haven’t done xyz. And lastly, you will be able to refer back to your list to organise your day.

Being organised and knowing what you have to do today, tomorrow or next week is valuable. The simple habit of writing things down when they come up is going to save you an enormous amount of time, will help you to complete tasks and chores faster as well as more accurately without making mistakes or forgetting half the stuff.

Therefore, freeing you up to do more of the things you enjoy doing and that you care about. Reducing stress, anxiety and feeling overwhelmed. Plus, you’ll have more physical and mental energy, which you can put to good use.

Trust me, this simple habit works. Have a piece of paper on your desk when you’re working, open the notes app or whatever you use on the go to jot down anything that comes up and refer back to those lists during your lunch break and at night. This allows you to plan accordingly and not miss anything.

Give it a go and let me know what you think!

If you found this post on The Best Tip To Manage Your Time Effectively helpful, you might enjoy reading my post A Simple Time Management Technique – The Pomodoro Method.

And lastly, don’t forget to sign up to my 30 Day Productivity Challenge inside the Freebie Library!

Get the challenge with easy to follow and implement prompts so you can take daily action – one prompt for every day of the month that will boost your productivity without you feeling like it’s too much or overwhelming.
