How Your Brain Is Holding You Back From Taking Opportunities

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Why are you scared of so many things? Why are you putting all these obstacles in your way, stopping you from getting what you deeply and truly want? The answer lies with your brain and it’s primary function. In this post we’ll look at how your brain is holding you back from taking opportunities, making progress and ultimately living your dream life.

You see, your brain’s primary function is to keep you safe. This was the case thousands of years ago and is still the case today. However, risky and potentially deadly situations looked a lot different back in the days from what they are now.

During the primitive and prehistoric times keeping us safe served us well. We were facing deadly situations every day, running away from animals or eating potentially toxic berries and herbs all leading to harm, injury or even death. So, the brain was scanning the environment around us continuously for threats and staying alert to keep us safe.

Photo of Empire State Building in New Yor

However, this very function of keeping us safe is holding you back in today’s day and age. Because the brain hasn’t evolved and changed with the times. The brain is hardwired to scan your surroundings and is directly and unknowingly looking out for threats and danger. However, we don’t experience the same threats today that we were experiencing during prehistoric times.

The threats of an animal chasing after us has been replaced with modern day threats such as discomfort, fear of failure, fear of being seen, fear of the unknown and the list goes on. Thus, what can you do to protect yourself from these modern day risks and threats?

You stay in your comfort zone and are limiting your potential and success. You place obstacles in your way to stay in the comfort zone, to stay safe (often unknowingly and subconsciously). Because it’s safe and warm in the comfort zone. And one of our primary needs is to stay safe.

But sadly nothing happens in the comfort zone. You don’t grow, you don’t change, you don’t become the person you want to be and don’t get the thing you’re craving.

Once you are fully aware of this though, you are able to make changes, move forward and overcome those obstacles in your way. Recognise discomfort and fear for what they are. Obstacles and uncomfortable situations, but nothing life threatening by all means (99% of the time).

You’re scared of failure? Haven’t you already failed if you don’t try? Plus, even if you don’t get what you want or don’t get to where you want to be exactly, you’ve still won. You would learn more about yourself and your capabilities, most likely learn a new skill or two along the way and grow in confidence during the process. These are things no one can take away from you and they will come in handy one day in the future.

Ask yourself relevant questions to discover more about your fear, discomfort and what is holding you back. Why am I feeling this resistance towards (insert thing)? Why am I scared of (insert thing)? What is really the worst that could happen if I (insert thing)?

Asking yourself relevant questions allows you to go deeper and beyond the surface. Once you understand your underlying fear and discomfort, you’re able to take steps to address it, overcome and conquer it.

When an opportunity arises you will tackle it head on as you’ll know it’s not a threat. Uncomfortable? Perhaps, but not a threat. And instead of going into flight or freeze mode, you’ll grab it with both hands and take it.

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If you found this post on How Your Brain Is Holding You Back From Taking Opportunities helpful, you might enjoy reading my post How To Go From Can’t To Can With A Possibility Mindset and How To Shift Your Mindset To Get Shit Done

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