How To Shift Your Mindset To Get Shit Done

Candles surrounded by flowers used for a blog post about how to shift your mindset and get shit done

When I set out on my personal development journey, I quickly discovered that mindset plays a big part in achieving what I set out to do. No matter what it is. I can now use hacks and tools I discovered to shift my mindset, get shit done and feel motivated and upbeat again when I feel down or find myself in a bit of a rut.

Ultimately, I use these to regain focus as my mind can be all over the place from time to time. Moreover, they help me to calm down and shift my negative view to a more positive one. All leading to me being more productive and getting shit done.

These hacks and tools aren’t time consuming at all. They will just take a few minutes of your time and can be practiced anywhere. Bonus! Let’s dive in and have a look what they are.


I use affirmations whenever I need a reminder or little pep talk to cheer myself on, to motivate myself and to shift my mood and mindset. Affirmations are powerful, positive, short statements. They reaffirm and signal to your brain that whatever you tell yourself and choose to believe is your truth. This includes both negative and positive believes.

I love using positive affirmations for productivity and focus. They serve as reminders that I’m capable of accomplishing what I set out to do and help to bring back my focus to the task at hand.

I will use productivity affirmations If I want to have a really productive day and get lots of stuff done. For instance:

  • This day is going to be an extremely productive day!
  • I’m a person who gets shit done!
  • I’m excited to check everything of my to-do list today!

Affirmations are a great tool anyone should have in their productivity and mindset tool box to access at any time.

2 Minutes Breathing Exercise

The next tool I use a lot is taking deep breathes for two minutes to reset and calm down. I have a two minute Relax function on my smart watch, which is a two minute breathing exercise. The watch vibrates when I have to inhale and exhale. This allows me to close my eyes, be present in the moment and just concentrate on the breathing exercise and nothing else.

How Do I Want To Feel Today?

Asking yourself this simple question at the beginning of each day allows you to structure your day in a way that will lead to your desired state of how you want to feel. You’ll start to work towards creating that desired state and make more of an effort.

“How do I want to feel today? I want to feel productive and accomplished. I want to feel like I’m making progress and am moving closer to my goal.”

Acknowledging how you want to feel has a positive impact on your day and overall performance. Additionally, you’re reiterating to yourself that you understand and appreciate yourself. This is all really great stuff.


It’s difficult to get anything done when you’re feeling down. But moping around, asking yourself “why is this happening to me?” and feeling like a victim doesn’t help. It’s wasting your time, energy and makes you feel even worse than you’re already feeling.

This is where gratitude comes in. Gratitude is about seeing the good, being appreciative and grateful for the things and people you have in your life. It’s also about being grateful and thankful for what you have accomplished already. You can easily shift your energy and mindset to a more positive one when you think about all the good in your life and you practice gratitude.


Awareness is something I’ve struggled with for a long time. It takes practice for sure. But once you’ve mastered being aware of your actions and thoughts, it’s amazing how it can help you to refocus and regroup.

I used to procrastinate, postpone and shy away from doing certain things by making excuses. For example, making another cup of tea, folding the laundry or going over to the living room to have a chat with my boyfriend (we both WFH) just to avoid doing that one thing I knew I would have to do at some point.

Since practicing awareness, I’ve been able to catch myself when I’m procrastinating. Allowing me to question my actions and/or inactions. When I’m aware that I’m procrastinating, I ask myself “Why am I doing everything apart from that one thing? Why am I in the bedroom now folding and putting the laundry away? I should be sitting at my desk doing X!”

Just being aware and noticing what you’re currently doing helps you to identify the underlying  issue of why you might feel overwhelmed, stressed, stuck and are trying to postpone or not do certain things.

Once you are aware, you can shift your mindset using perhaps affirmations or the two minutes breathing exercise I mentioned above.

Reminding Yourself Of Your WHY

The last way how to shift your mindset and get shit done I want to mention today is simply reminding yourself of your WHY. What is your reason for wanting to slim down? Why do you want to work for yourself? Why is owning your own house with a garden important to you?

I have a “What is my WHY” list I refer to whenever I need a reminder why I’m doing what I’m doing. Why I’m working hard and learning new skills. Why I’m sacrificing some of my time and feel uneasy and out of my comfort zone.

It’s my dream to work for myself one day.  Why? Because I want freedom, explore my creativity, get up 10 am if I want to, have no restrictions, help people, work from anywhere I fancy, work four days a week, meet people that are excited about the same things as I am, grow as a person, earn more money and the list goes on.

Thinking of all these WHYs is getting me excited. I feel motivated once more, which lights a fire under my bum. It let’s me find the energy and willpower to work towards this dream of mine even when I don’t feel like it.

If you found this post on How To Shift Your Mindset To Get Shit Done helpful, my post Imagine What You Can Do In 15 Minutes might also be of interest to you.

And lastly, don’t forget to sign up to my 30 Day Productivity Challenge inside the Freebie Library!

Get the challenge with easy to follow and implement prompts so you can take daily action – one prompt for every day of the month that will boost your productivity without you feeling like it’s too much or overwhelming.
