How To Go From Can’t To Can With A Possibility Mindset

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When you embark on a new journey, there will be plenty of road blocks in your way trying to hold you back, slow you down and make you want to give up. Some people push right through them and others give up. Why are some people able to make it and others don’t? The answer is simple. It’s all about the mindset – the possibility mindset to be precise.

In this blog post we’ll be exploring the difference between a limited mindset and a possibility mindset. Plus, a few tips on how you can cultivate a possibility mindset.

Let’s take a look.

Limited Mindset Vs Possibility Mindset

People with a limited mindset are of the belief that there is a limit or there are limitations to what they can achieve and accomplish. Additionally, it encompasses the idea that there is only one way or a certain way how things can and should be done. When they fail, they don’t explore other options and think they have given it the best they can. They think they have reached their limit and are quicker to give up.

A limited mindset restricts you in every aspect of your life. You act, view and judge situations and people very quickly, without necessarily looking at all the facts and different perspectives. This also leads to you not fully taking advantage of all the opportunities out there. And the worst, you tend to give up faster and seem to be more of a quitter.

A possibility mindset on the other hand fosters a glass half full and can do attitude. It’s about imagining what is possible in the future for you and envisioning the potential positive outcomes as well as possibilities. As a result, more opportunities present themselves to you. Plus, as you’ll be more excited and inspired, you’re also more likely to take action and get results.

People with a possibility mindset believe that what they want is actually possible rather than impossible. They go from can’t to can.

When you foster a possibility mindset you’re upbeat, motivated, excited and are looking forward to working towards your goals and getting what you truly dream about. You envision the outcome, the potentially life changing transformation and enhance your life by looking for opportunities to get what you want. You proactively transform your life and go after what you want as you believe it’s possible.

Tips For Cultivating A Possibility Mindset

A possibility mindset clearly is the way forward if you want to change your life and see results. But how do you change your mindset? It certainly won’t happen overnight. However, there are a few simple exercises to help you shift your mindset.

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Look For Evidence That It’s Possible

You might have thoughts swirling around your head looking something like this:

  • I can’t do it.
  • It’s too hard and difficult, I’ll never be able to pull it off.
  • Oh well, that’s it then. I tried.
  • I have reached my limit.

These are thoughts all of us experience from time to time. The difference though is that people with a limited mindset give into these thoughts and give up. Whereas people with a possibility mindset toss these negative thoughts aside. They go back to the drawing board and look for solutions again to overcome their problems and what is holding them back.

If you’re finding it difficult to shift your way of thinking, try this. Look for evidence that you can do it. Find examples of past situations and problems you’ve found challenging, but found a solution to, overcame and mastered in the end. You want to look for evidence to back yourself up, showing you that you’re actually capable. That it’s possible.

If you’ve found a way in the past, you can find a way now as well. If you’ve done something before, you can do it again.

Finding evidence that you’re absolutely capable and that it’s possible to move forward will foster a possibility mindset, motivate you immensely and give you an energy boost leading you to taking the necessary action required to move forward.

Visualise The End Of The Road

Your mind is constantly trying to protect you from harm and threats. These can come in many shapes and forms. A job interview, a breakup, starting a business, things that are new and unknown to you and take you out of your comfort zone.

In order to avoid disappointment and getting hurt, you tend to imagine the worst case scenario and all the things that could go wrong. In the end, you never go for it or give up.

But what if things turn out how you imagine them? What if they turn out even better?

Instead of focusing on all the things that could go wrong – and could is the keyword here as the things we dread about and fear actually often never happen – visualise how your life would be if you get what you truly desire and want.

You want to buy your dream house, but don’t have the funds yet? Visualise your dream house. What would the furnishings look like? How do you feel sitting in your garden, listening to the birds chirping away on a warm summer day? How would your life change for the better and how would this make you feel? Excited, content, happy?

Visualising the outcome let’s you see what’s possible and what could be if you allow it and work for it. Your dream becomes more tangible and within reach.

Flip Your Narrative Around

If you keep on telling yourself negative things and are having nagging and negative thoughts such as I can’t do it, guess what? You’re eventually going to believe it and act accordingly. It’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy and you’re going to fall deeper into the hole of and get stuck in a limited mindset. Ultimately resulting in you not getting what you want, getting stuck, digressing or worst case scenario giving up all together.

To combat this I want you to flip the narrative around, from negative to positive and from can’t to can.

I can’t solve this problem. I’m too stupid. I just can’t do it is something that might come to mind when you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed and currently think you’re out of options.

Flipping this thought around, you’re narrative might look something like this: I am perfectly capable of solving this. I have to calm down and allow myself to take a step back. If I’m stuck, I’m going to ask for help and also see if I can find solutions online.

See how flipping the narrative around to put a positive spin on it is not just calming and uplifting, but also motivating and possible? Nothing is just black and white.

If you think something is not possible, the easiest way to flip the narrative around is to simply say it’s possible for me, because …

A possibility mindset opens up a world of possibilities and opportunities for you. Do you want to get stuck in your limited mindset or cultivate a possibility mindset to grab those opportunities with both hands? it’s up to you.

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If you found this post on How To Go From Can’t To Can With A Possibility Mindset helpful, you might enjoy reading my post 5 Time Management Affirmations To Transform How You Think About Time and How To Shift Your Mindset To Get Shit Done

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