5 Time Management Affirmations To Transform How You Think About Time

Photos scattered on a table

Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or think you can’t… you’re right”. And this applies to pretty much anything you can think of. Let me ask you something. Do you regularly have thoughts such as I’m so stressed, I wish I had more time? Then it’s time to reframe and reprogram the way you think about time with these 5 time management affirmations.

When applied to time, we continuously and almost on a daily basis tell ourselves that we don’t have enough of it. Something along the lines of There’s not enough time. There are constantly distractions around us demanding our attention and time. Plus, we are busier than ever before. But we also feel like we are always running around on autopilot and like a hamster in its hamster wheel.

You see, every time you’re telling yourself something, you’re reaffirming that this is your truth. No matter what you’re telling yourself. This can both work for and against you. Let’s take a look at an example:

  • I have no time! – Truth (negative)
  • I have all the time I need – Truth (positive)
Photos scattered on a table

Both of these statements can be your truth, but the trick is to recognise thoughts that are not serving you, that are actually negative and therefore bringing you down. In this example both of these affirmations work in different ways and produce different results and outcome in the way you feel and also act.

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed is normal when you have a lot on your plate. Of course you wish you had more time in such a situation. However, wishing for more time or telling yourself that you don’t have time will not help you. In fact, it’s totally counterproductive and will make you even more stressed.

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t… you’re right”

– Henry ford

However, taking a step back from the situation, taking a deep breath and telling yourself that you have all the time you need or exactly the right amount of time will almost instantly slow down your nerves, which will allow you to look at a situation in a new way.

The process of affirming something to yourself, basically telling yourself something over and over again, strengthens the neural pathways and connections in your brain. Repeating the same statements time and time again makes those connections stronger.

Whatever you affirm to yourself (be it positive or negative) will be more ingrained in you and you’re more likely to accept that as your truth. Hence, you’ll be more likely to believe it. And why would you choose to believe something negative that is not serving you, right?

Pick positive thoughts, positive affirmations to change your behaviour to match your beliefs and take inspired action. Also, affirmations challenge you to break your thought patterns, which gives you the possibility to see different outcomes that you previously weren’t aware of.

Next time you have a lot going on and thoughts around I wish I had more time are swirling around your head, refer back to one of the below time management affirmations. Repeat your affirmation of choice as many times as you need and feels comfortable to you and see how your mood and spirit calm down and lift almost instantly.

Time Management Affirmations

  1. I have all the time I need
  2. Focusing on the present moment is all I need to do
  3. I am in control of my time and I am in control of what does and doesn’t get done
  4. I’m organised and have plenty of time to get everything done
  5. I make efficient and effective use of my time

If you enjoyed reading this post all about 5 Time Management Affirmations To Transform The Way You Think About Time, you might also enjoy reading my post How To Shift Your Mindset To Get Shit Done.

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