3 Common Goal Setting Challenges + How To Overcome Them

3 Common Goal Setting Challenges And How To Overcome Them

Have you ever wondered why you’re not reaching your goals? Why it’s so difficult and hard sometimes? Why so many people seem to be making progress, but you’re still struggling? Well, let’s have a look at the three most common goal setting challenges and mistakes today.

I also want to help you address and overcome them so they are no longer holding you back. We’ll be looking at some tips and solutions you can implement straight away that will for sure help you accomplish your goals and avoid future goal setting challenges.

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1. You’re Setting Too Many Goals

This is the number one goal setting mistake many people make, including me in the past. You’re full of hopes, dreams and plans and of course you want to work on all of them at the same time.

However, you simply can’t. Setting too many goals is counterproductive. You’ll lose track and focus. The golden number of goals to work on at any one time is between 1 – 5. Don’t set more than 5 as you won’t be able to put your full energy behind those goals.

SOLUTION: Set up to 5 goals, but not more.

2. You Have No Action Plan

You are excited about turning your dreams into reality and are setting goals to work on. But you don’t know how to actually achieve them. You don’t have an action plan.

Sit down for a bit and really think of small steps and actions you can take, just do a brainstorming session. Think of daily actions or at least some actions you can take on a regular basis that get you closer to your goal.

You want to improve your Instagram following? Think of ways you can do it. For instance, you can engage more with other people by leaving comments. You can find more accounts to follow and/or post one Instagram Reel every other week. Then get even more specific, for example think of Instagram Reel ideas, what audio to use, when to record and actually post them.

SOLUTION: Do a brainstorming session and gather some ideas on how to reach your goals. Once you have some ideas, get specific and make a plan including an outline of the steps you will take to reach your goals – what steps and actions you’ll take and when.

3. Your Goals Are Too Big And Feel Out Of Reach

Often big goals can feel overwhelming. Where do you even start and what to do first? When you’re goals are too big and feel out of reach you tend to freeze and abandon them, because you start doubting yourself and your abilities.

Setting sub goals or milestones in between can break down larger goals and make them more achievable and easier to reach. Let’s look at an example.

Saying I want to earn £1,000,000 can be one of your big goals. But if you’re currently earning £50,000 this goal may seem impossible. When you break that goal down into sub goals or milestones and work towards those to achieve your overall big goal, it becomes less daunting. The first milestone can be to earn £100,000, next one to earn £250,000 and so on. You decide how many milestones you’ll set, but they need to feel within reach.

SOLUTION: Break your big goals into smaller sub goals and concentrate working towards achieving those sub goals. Every milestone will get you closer to your big goal.

Hopefully you found this post helpful and are able to overcome those goal setting challenges now!

If you found this post on The Best Tip To Manage Your Time Effectively helpful, you might enjoy reading my post Imagine What You Can Do In 15 Minutes.

And lastly, don’t forget to sign up to my 30 Day Productivity Challenge inside the Freebie Library!

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